Networks Lab


Wireshark is a software for capturing and analyzing network traffic. It captures the traffic on a specified network interface on the machine where it is being executed. The traffic can be saved in a file for later analysis, possibly on a different machine.

Wireshark is a powerful tool with many capabilities and constitutes “the” choice for professionals. Wireshark may also be useful for learning purposes. In this case, it is important to carefully balance the complexity of Wireshark, the complexity of real network traffic and the learning objectives.

For a very quick intro to Wireshark look at the slides above; at the end there are a few simple questions based on a DNS capture.

Wireshark Labs

The “Wireshark Labs” freely available on-line as a supplement to the book “Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach - Jim Kurose, Keith Ross” are an excellent suite of examples. Each of the labs consists of a document with step-by-step instructions for capturing packets from a live connection and for analyzing important properties of the captured traffic. Furthermore, for each lab, a file with traffic already captured is available.

Before looking at the labs, please read the notes below carefully.

Computer Networks 2

Students are strongly advised to execute autonomously the following Wireshark labs (see above), in the specified order:

The first lab can be executed at the very beginning of the course. The second lab can be executed after the early lectures on TCP, more or less in parallel with those lectures.

Execution of these labs is not a requirement for the exam. There will be no formal control over whether they have actually been carried out. Their execution may be very useful to students irrespective of the exam, though.

The NAT lab might be useful but it probably does not add very much to the other labs. If a student wanted to execute further labs, those suggested below for Computer Networks 1 could perhaps be more useful than the NAT one. 

These two YouTube videos are extremely useful and warmly suggested:

Computer Networks 1

The current structure of this course makes the exam quite heavyweight. Adding Wireshark labs might subtract time and might be distracting. If a student is sufficiently motivated and interested, though, autonomous execution of the following Wireshark labs may be very helpful: it may improve the understanding of some key concepts and it may make the overall topic “more concrete”.

All these labs should be done in the second part of the course, even those about DNS and HTTP. They can be executed in any order, except for the “Getting started” lab that must be the first one. Labs 4 and 4 should be done after the lectures on traceroute (the fragmentation section of Lab 5 should not be done, as it is based on concepts not included in the course).

The DHCP lab should not be executed and its reading may even be misleading (the course describes DHCP in a very over-simplified way: the real DHCP is quite different from the one described in the lectures).


Burp is a software for application security testing of web applications. It consists of a proxy on the machine where it is being executed with a graphical interface for analyzing and modifying HTTP traffic, sending HTTP requests automatically based on modifications specified by the user and so on.

Burp is a powerful tool with many capabilities and constitutes “the” choice for professionals. Burp may also be useful for learning purposes. In this case, it is important to carefully balance the complexity of Burp, the complexity of real network traffic and the learning objectives.

For a very quick intro to Burp look at the document in the collection below. The document contains also an introduction to the OWASP Juicy Shop, a web application containing many vulnerabilities that has been developed for learning purposes. The document discusses in detail a few of those vulnerabilities.

Burp is not strictly necessary for any activity.

Regarding Computer Networks 2, it is necessary for the optional activity 4 (MITM with SSLStrip) and it may be useful for analyzing TLS traffic of smartphone apps and websites (see the description of Burp with HTTPS at the beginning of the document describing activity 4).


The documents below describe the basic steps for:

The steps and suggestions in the various documents refer to a PC running Windows 10 and a smartphone running Android 9.


The documents are not meant to be step-by-step guides:

Even more important

The traffic originated by a real “device” is usually very complex and, in practice, can be understood only in minimal part for two basic reasons:

Learning to cope with such a complexity is an essential skill for a modern engineer. One has to figure out autonomously which things can be understood and which ones cannot; which things must be analyzed in more depth and which ones could be analyzed but may be omitted. This know-how can only be built with personal experience, patience, thought (and Google).

Computer Networks 2

Labs 1, 2, 3 are guides for the project required for the exam (the "Strict Transport Security" appendix in 3 is not required for the exam).

The other labs are not a requirement for the exam. They may be very useful for better understanding the corresponding topics and make them more concrete. Their execution requires some time and motivation, though.

Computer Networks 1

None of the labs listed below is a requirement for the exam.

Execution of  the Web server lab may be very helpful (for motivated students, as observed above for Wireshark).

Execution of the MITM on smartphone might be feasible at the end of the course. However, this lab is complex and time-consuming. I do not recommend its execution.

Execution of the other labs requires the knowledge of topics not covered in Computer Networks 1.